What if my kid doesn't behave during a breastfeeding shoot?

I get it, this is usually everyone's biggest concern when they book a breastfeeding shoot because small people are trouble makers and never do what we want them to, when we want them to.

It’s especially true for little feeders who are getting older and get easily distracted. My camera shutter goes and they fling their head round to see what's going on and why this weird lady is pointing a camera at them whilst they are filling their tummies.

But I've taken breastfeeding photos of kids from newborn up to 3 years old, and I've got pretty good at getting those shots, even if they feed for a grand total of 5mins.

Don't believe me, let me show you.

I took these photos during a shoot where this little lady only fed for approximately 3mins, split between about 4 feeding sessions, and instead wanted to run around exploring and hiding from me.

Her mum was really worried that we hadn't got any good shots because she was just a little whirlwind the whole time we were together.

So I promise you, whatever happens, I can work with it and I'm pretty good at getting those shots. And even if they really truly don't play ball, I'll catch the stuff in between too, so it won't be wasted time.

Want to chat about a shoot with me? Let’s chat!